Shepherds Ground Farm and Village
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Smart simple rural living
The initiator of Shepherds Ground village and Farm, Lucie Bruvel kicks the project off, identifying the land and receiving pre DA approval from Port Stephens council for the development
Lucie receives a 1 year scholarship with the School of Social Entrepreneurs
First not for profit company registered as a working entity to develop the concept
The property was secured with non member seed funding, donations and peer to peer loans.
Shepherds Ground official launch concert at Woodville hall
Option paid to secure the land for the project
Campaigns and publicity to garner interest and support in the project
First members purchase shares
Fund raising, generous contributions big and small via donations and peer to peer loans
Start preparation for the Development Application
Lodge DA with council for 29 homes
Began process of forming co-operative (which became too drawn out over months)
Formed Shepherds Ground pty ltd to be ready for purchase of land
January, DA passed unanimously at council vote!
March, the land was purchased! A combination of new members buying in and several peer-to-peer loans were provided to make this possible.
S96 approved at council to make a staged option to the development, add another house site to make 30 and have a reduction to our S94 fees
Many events continue on the Grounds, tree planting and renovations
Construct internal roads to begin Stage 1 build
Two thirds of shares sold
Construction Certificates issued for Stage 1
Stage 1 of Village build commenced in January. 4 beautiful industrial hemp masonry homes are now in place. All hands working toward completion.
Food planted around homestead.
Continued native tree planting and care.
Livestock on the land with pigs, cattle, sheep, guinea fowl and chooks.
Commercial Greywater system in place
Occupation certificates applied for with Port Stephens council
Village road completed
Water tanks in place
4 beautiful hemp masonry homes in the process of adding 'finishing touches'
Hub undergoing redesign and refurbishment
Further livestock purchased, breeding and flourishing
Native saplings turning toward trees